• The History

  • Serbariu coal mine, active from 1937 to 1964, fuelled the economic growth of Sulcis and was one of the main energy resources in Italy between the 1930s and the 1950s. The complex was restored and turned into a museum; the project for the rehabilitation of the site allowed to open the buildings and mining areas that today make up the Museo del Carbone to public.

    The Museum includes the lamp room, the underground tour and the winch room.

    The lamp room houses a permanent exhibition on the history of coal, the mine and the town of Carbonia; it’s a large room where you can admire a valuable collection of mine lamps, work tools, instruments and everyday objects, and see photographs, documents, period films and video interviews with some miners.


  • Discover

    • The underground tour

    • The lamp room


Ai confini tra Sardegna e Jazz – Sabato 21 Dicembre ore 17

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XVI Giornata Nazionale delle Miniere – Domenica 26 Maggio 2024

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Comune di Carbonia